Sex Facts

Sex Facts

Even though I consider myself a total sex expert, there is always something new to learn about sex. I've read about all the crazy ways you can improve your health, about all the weird things that happen while you're doing it, and everything you want to know about how to keep yourself occupied.

I've always known that sex in middle school taught no more than, let's face it, whatever it was. After reading all these crazy facts, I think the class needs a complete overhaul, but I promise you there will be much more to it than just the basics.

  • It's no accident that nipples are erogenous zones. Brain-imaging research on women has shown that sensory signals from the nipples end up in the same area of the brain that stimulation from the vagina, cervix and clitoris do.

  • From the art of female orgasm to sti - condoms, here are 50 sexual truths that will fascinate, entertain and undoubtedly educate you. 

  • According to a study by the University of California at San Diego, the smell of pumpkin can significantly increase blood flow to the penis. Ginger increases the heart rate, gets the blood flow going and gets you in the mood for the night ahead. It is claimed that 20,000 women sleep with at least one partner a day, which would mean you have an average of 1.4 partners a day. 

  • Here at Health, we are always on the lookout for new studies on sex and turn to the experts for their advice on how to make things healthier and hotter between the sheets. Visit for the latest sex facts, tips and tricks from experts and experts in the sex industry. 

  • Have you ever been in the middle of a loot session and wondered how many punches there were and whether you had to have a brilliant idea? We # ve shared what we know most to keep you up to date with the latest sex facts, tips and tricks from the top experts in the sex industry. 

  • Whether you were a vixen under the sheets or Casanova on the street, there are one or two things about sex that will surprise you. Here are some of the most important sex facts and tips from the top experts in the sex industry. Don't forget to fall in love with one of our top sex tips and tricks from our sex experts. 

  • It is true that the word "sex" may be taboo in our region, but let us face the ugly truth, we must admit that certain aspects of sex can be a little strange and even outrageous. When it comes to love and sex life, there are so many things that can literally blow anyone away. These are just some of the things you need to know if you want to lead a healthy and happy sex life with your husband. 

  • We have separated the sex facts from the frequently repeated sex myths in order to clear up any confusion. Today, let's look at some of the most common misconceptions about sex that you find useful and what to look out for when you find them. 

  • Women's estrogen levels soar during their teenage years, while boys get a large dose of hormones in their teenage years. Women report reaching orgasm about 25 percent of the time during intercourse, compared with about 20 percent for men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Women have an average of four sexual partners for adults aged 20 to 59, while men have an average of seven. This may vary slightly depending on the person, but for adults between 20 and 59 years 

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the body experiences periods of myotonia or muscle spasms during sexual intercourse. This is caused by face-to-face contact, involuntary vaginal contractions that occur periodically and can cause pain. 

  • Trying meditation is a great way to be sexually dissatisfied, and it also improves arousal and orgasm. When a woman experiences an orgasm, the region of the brain associated with anxiety increases in intensity. Women dream about sex just as much as men, but men think about it for up to seven seconds, "says Dr. Michael J. D'Amato, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. 
  • According to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, lying to someone is much harder than knowing you are lying to yourself. 

  • You may have heard the sex fact that it's a great form of exercise, but then heard that this fact has been debunked. Canadian researchers found that the level and intensity of sex account for nearly two-thirds of sports. The researchers conducted a survey of 7,000 people and found that 51 per cent of them said they could go as far as having a coffee before having sex. You're unlikely to lose any serious weight in the next few years, according to a new study from the University of Michigan.

  • Orgasms can also be a great morning greeting - me - but obviously some people don't know what it is. Or maybe they just love their Starbucks, or maybe it's just the fact that they fancy a coffee.