What Is FGM ?

Today we are going to talk. About female genital mutilation of women, we will tell the partner why we need to talk about this topic today.
khatna of woman Tejashwi Surya, the current MP of the Bharatiya Janata Party of India, made a tweet in 2015. There has been a ruckus on that tweet. People of Arab country are opposing this. They are asking this question by tagging the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi.

What Is FGM ?

Female circumcision is performed with newborns or 15-year-old girls. In this process, the outer part of the women's vagina, that is, the clitoris, is removed.

Why circumcision is done?
According to circumcision communities, circumcision of women circumvents sexual desire in them. By doing this process her behavior does not deteriorate and she has been more loyal to her husband.
How is circumcision done?
In this process of circumcision, the outer part of the women's vagina, ie the clitoris, is removed with a blade. At the same time, in this process, the vagina is sewn or the clitoris is removed completely. This causes a lot of damage. The whole process of circumcision is very painful because during this time the girls are kept in full consciousness and no anesthesia or sedation medicine is given.
Irritation of the lump urine in the ovaries of women after circumcision and subsequent infection. Death of the infant at birth. Infertility Vaginal inflammatory pain Itching may be a problem or likely to persist.

Communicating circumcision orders according to orders reduces the risk of problems such as HIV AIDS and genital cancer. But these stated benefits have not been given any medical recognition.

my opinion

According to me, no such process should be done with anyone. No human has any right to take away the rights of any other person. This process is completely inhuman. I wonder how someone can do like this. It is a very bad thing to satisfy someone's character in order to be good. According to me, this is the biggest loss of social life. If a society violates the rights of the people living in that society in this way, then I would say that society is the enemy of human beings.

This is very cheap thinking. And the amazing thing is that even women do not oppose it and this process has been going on for years. I do not consider it a religious matter at all. It is a social issue. Society should not violate the rights of anyone living in its society in this way. Who gives so much authority to the society that one can do with whom he wants. The person who has just been born is going to behave inhumanly in such a way for fear of what his character will be in future.

Earlier, the practice of Sati was also prevalent in India. In which when they died towards women, women were killed alive on the same pyre and were burnt alive. Such laws prove that society cannot be completely right. Nor is the society completely occupied by intelligent individuals. Many such wrong beliefs exist in the society even today, due to which human life has become very difficult.

Some special people of the society impose any terrible law on the whole society for their benefit, so that people continue to bear it for many centuries to come.

We should always oppose such inhuman practice. This is to violate the rights of that person. How can any society decide about a person's life to come. Society should not be allowed to dismember any person. Society is made for the convenience of the people and not to disturb them. And if there are such problems in the society, then we should raise our voice against them. As long as such misbehavior is not opposed, these practices will continue to go on and people will continue to suffer.