What To do When Your Wife Cheats on You

First of all, I tell you what most people have done or have done in such a situation, and I also tell you the result that if you get such thoughts in your mind, then you already know your outcome. Whatever incident I will tell, many people have done so far. My purpose of writing this post will be fulfilled if I can stop any person from doing it. First I will tell what people do, then after that the society will tell what to do and finally I will tell you what I should do according to you.

What To do When Your Wife Cheats on You

Commit suicide

In such a situation, some people commit suicide and think that your wife has made a mistake and you have punished yourself and cleared the way for your wife. It is so strange that man does not know the value of his life, what can be a big surprise. Is the price of your life just enough for your wife to be unfaithful and you give your life. To kill yourself is foolishness, bravado, and injustice. And if you believe in God then it is sin.

To kill his wife, his friend or both

Some people get angry or due to pressure from the society or due to any emotion, killing their wife or both of their wife and then go to jail themselves. In this way, they punish themselves. You will know what you have done after going into gels. Every moment you come forward, you will show favor for this mistake. You die every day Gel is a very bad place. And killing someone is also a sin.

Divorce wife

By the way, there is no evil in it. But I would not even call it a right step. Why am I saying this? You will come to know about this only when you know my opinion about it.

Hating wife

There are some people who adopt this method in addition to the things mentioned above.

What will society say about this

If you ask an intellectual person about this, then I will also tell you the answer you will get. So that you do not feel that something is left.

1. Talk to your wife
2. Talk to her lover
3. Talk to your wife's father
4. Divorce

What to do in my opinion ?

First thing if you have read about my blog then you will know that I have already confirmed that I do not give much importance to sociality. My opinion will be based on the rules of nature.

If you still doubt that your wife is unfaithful, then you should just end this thing. Do not waste your time and energy in these stupid things. Because if you have doubt, then you will automatically cease to doubt. Inside you will suffocate and you will not do anything except to trouble yourself.

But if you have confirmed or you have proof that your wife is unfaithful then .....
Now, try to understand what I am telling you with an open mind, if a woman is unfaithful then there are only two reasons behind it.

1. Lack of money
2. Lack of sex

First of all you try to know what is the reason for doing this and then try to remove that deficiency. Now here it is not necessary that your earnings are low or there may be a sexual deficiency in you as much as your wife desires more than you have.

Let me tell you now that this is a very big thing, according to the rules of society, it is a big crime according to the rules of society, but it is a normal thing according to the rules of nature. You find this thing so big or bad because the society has rejected these things in your mind.

Think, you did not even know your wife till the age of one or three years of your life, who is said who is doing what she is doing. Your wife is different, you are separated, according to one agreement, both of you are living your life together. Your wife has her own life and both of you are born separately and die is also different. Your wife is the one you did not even know till she was 20 years old. Nothing changed from signing on paper, walking in front of the fire. Even today, both are different souls, they are separate beings, who have nothing to do with each other, both have the right to live their lives according to their own. You did not buy or enslave your wife, she also has her own life. If you are above the rules of society and try to understand this, then you will know until you will not be able to rise above the society.

Think if your wife is unfaithful and you never know, or there are many people who never know that their wife is infidel. So is it wrong? No, it is not wrong for your wife or someone's wife to be unfaithful until people get to know about it. So it does not mean that your wife is unfaithful. It is wrong that you come to know about this.

This world was going on even when there was no such thing as society, there was no rule like animals live. We humans try to separate ourselves from animals, but there is nothing like that if you dress an animal and become a human, I will agree.

I am not saying that society is wrong but society should not violate human rights.
If you want to live a happy life, then understand the rules of nature. And live life accordingly and let others live as well.